On a flight home this morning
and I can't help but stare at You.
My face pressed against this little window,
My face pressed against this little window,
the sky explodes in praise to You.
-Bethany Dillon, Waking Up
Here I am in Amsterdam once again! I will be home at 6:20 tonight (Wednesday) and I am so excited. It has been a fantastic trip, especially joining up with the Wimberly team for the Kenya church plant. What a blessing! Even though I have only known these people a few days, they feel like family and I will be so sad to leave them. The first sunday at the new church in Akala was incredible. As expected, the mzungus were pushed out the door because so many villagers came to participate in the worship, sunday school, sermon, and the comissioning of the new pastor. These people will be in my prayers forever! It is amazing what a bond you can form with a third world village in a few days.

The safari was SO FUN! The whole time we drove around the park, I couldn't believe that it was actually happening to me. We saw zebras, flamingos, monkeys (lots), rhinos, a giraffe, antelope, water buffalo, and lots of other things. Even some kind of rodent I had never seen before! It was a big treat, even though my camera died at the beginning of the trip. We were all so, so amazed at the animals and the scenery. I was thinking how excited God must have been for us to enjoy his art so much!

I have a full heart and a lot to think about as far as how Africa fits into my future plans. I am excited to see my family and friends. Only a few more hours on a plane and I will be HOME!