'Tis mercy all immense and free
for oh, my God, it found out me.
Amazing love, how can it be
that Thou my God should die for me?
This afternoon I said goodbye to all the kids, teachers, and staff at Covenant School. This morning was a wreck--I planned a super fun treasure hunt for the kids so I could creatively give them some school supplies, but it did not go off quite like I had planned. I was seriously ready to throw in the towel and quit early! But this afternoon when I was chatting with one of the teachers outside before I left, Faith came running out of the classroom and said in her little African accent, "Teach-ah Julie, I will miss you!". She was followed by lots of other kids. There were a few tears from a little girl named Gift, and lots of kids saying "God bless you Teacher Juliet!". I cried too! I am so sad to leave these kids! Saying goodbye to them was so hard. What a precious thing it was to be able to spend 3 weeks building relationships with children halfway around the world. I will miss them dearly.
Faith & Gift

I also have a vision, though. Covenant school is an awesome place, but it could be even better! I spoke with the headmaster about what the school's greatest needs were. One of the things he mentioned was a library. I completely agree! The P1 class has a total of about 10 books for all of the 39 five, six, and seven-year-old new readers. Most of the kids have the pages memorized, so it's not very good reading practice. I kept wishing I had some Bob books to let them read...remember those?? Anyway, I think God is going to provide great things for Covenant in the future as a result of their faithfulness to train up children in the way they should go.
Yesterday afternoon I got the treat of visiting a Catholic babies' home. The sisters there are raising almost 40 children under the age of 5 who have been abandoned by their parents or left orphans because of the AIDS epidemic. They always need help, so it was easy to jump in and feed kids bottles, play (we had to get creative since they had about 2 toys for 10 kids), fold cloth diapers, etc. for a few hours. I loved it!
Tomorrow morning around 11, I will leave for Kenya (wish I could remember the specific town). Please pray for safe travel and for my one or two days of house-to-house evangelism. Pray that the Lord opens doors for the team to share with people, and pray that the hearts of MANY are open to receive Jesus as their savior! Evangelism is one of my favorite things to do-- I am so amazed by the love God continues to show me every day, and I can't wait to tell people that it is free and they can have it too!
I have found when MY best laid out plans fail.. God usually fills it in with something that is so much more meaningful, to HIM. WE had lots of those moments on Wed night! Love you!